Job Chapter 14 "Job's reply to Zophar's first address
continued." Job
14:1 "Man that is born of a woman is of few days,
and full of trouble." As
we continue in this chapter, remember that Job was a type of the elect
of the end times. Remember
from the beginning of this book, Satan that was given permission by God
to bring the trouble and sickness upon Job.
Satan is the cause of all the trouble. There is very little
difference between Job and the elect of today, however, today God has
given His people the authority and the power to command Satan and his
realm out of their lives, and away from us.
Most Christians today simply do not know that they have this
power, nor that Satan is the one that is making their lives miserable,
and thus by the lack of knowledge in God's holy Word, Satan messes over
them. The
problems that Job faced are the same self problems that we face today,
even though our surroundings are different.
Those problems are not to the same degree that Job faced, for
today there are very few people that could have stood the pain and
suffering of Job, and continued to praise God without cursing God to His
face. Today we have a safety
valve, an intercessor before the throne of God that we can call upon when
the going gets to tough, and God will make a way of escape.
Those that have the ears to hear, and the eyes to see these
problems coming upon us, can put a stop to it.
You have the power and the authority of the living God to order
Satan and his children from your life.
first twelve verses of this chapter speaks of how small man is with
respect to God. Job is
saying here in this first verse that when you are born in this flesh
body, you are going to face trouble, but you will not live in your flesh
body very long. What is
sixty to eighty years in comparison to the eternity, but a vapor.
It is here and it is gone.
"He comeith forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth
also as a shadow, and continueth not." When
a child is born, that child is a beautiful thing in it's innocence, but
as the years go by and the child matures into adulthood.
Habits form and sin creeps into ones life, and there is
separation from God. It
doesn't take long to where his or her life draws to the end, and all the
life of that person seem so short in time.
Job is comparing this flower and ones shadow to the shortness of
ones life. This is looking
at man in the flesh. Job
"And dost Thou open Thine eyes upon such an one, and
bringest me into judgment with Thee?" Job
is saying that he is that small one; are you judging me now for my sins,
Father? Job
"Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not
one." What
it is saying here in the Hebrew text is, how can one pass through that
flower stage into adulthood and still remain perfect?
Then Job states, not one person.
This should tip us off to the answer that is coming at the end of
this chapter. However since
this writing there has come one perfect, and He is Jesus Christ our Lord
and Savior. It is through
Jesus Christ that we can have perfection in our lives, by and through
our faith in His cleansing blood. Job
"Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months
are with Thee, Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;" Instead
of the word "seeing" it should read "if" or a
condition placed here. God
has given each of us a predetermined amount of time in the flesh to live
our lives and make the choices that each of us make.
No man can take it into his own hands to shorten or lengthen
those days that God has allowed each of us to live.
When we do, we are violating God's laws.
You can see destiny even for those that have free will here,
though Job is an example or type of the elect.
Remember that this is not the teaching of God, but a speech given
by Job to three of his friends. Job
"Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish,
as an hireling, his day." Job
is pleading with God, that in that life is so short and so hard, ease
off of him a little bit and let him find a little rest.
"For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it
will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not
cease." Job
"Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock
thereof die in the ground;" Job
is using an old tree for comparison to his plea.
Even an old tree when it is cut down leaves its roots in the
ground and in time a sprout will cause that tree to live again.
"Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth
boughs like a plant." When
just a little water hits those roots lying dead in the ground, a new
life will spring forth into a new trunk with its many boughs.
"But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the
ghost, and where is he?" This
can be answered in two ways, considering which man we are speaking of.
Man is composed of two different bodies, the flesh and the
spiritual body. The
comparison that Job is using here is of the mortal man in the flesh
only. We know from Ecclesiastes
12:7 that when the dead flesh body is laid in the grave, the soul of
that person goes immediately to be with the Father that sent it. Ecclesiastes
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the
spirit shall return unto God Who gave it." When
the soul leaves the flesh body, chemical action starts immediately to
return the flesh body back into the different elements that it is
composed of. When that body
becomes the dust of the earth, the soul will never again return to that
flesh or any other flesh body. It
is appointed for man once to die and there are not other trips through
life in the flesh. The
teaching that is going on today that certain people have lived a life in
prior years as another person, is a lie, and is a doctrine of evil
spirits. It is playing
around with familiar spirits and the demonic and God forbids it.
spirit body or soul is a perfect body, and it is the body that those
that have died are in when they have gone to be with the Father.
"As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and
drieth up:" Job
"So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no
more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep." The
"man" spoken of here is "mortal man".
Job is saying that as far as mortal man is concerned, when he
dies you will never see that person in the flesh again, for he shall
never return to that decaying flesh body.
He will never live again in the flesh body.
Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes 9:4 that a live dog is
better and stronger than a dead lion.
Once the flesh is dead it becomes no threat to anyone.
This has nothing to do with your spiritual body.
Job has just stated the smallness of mortal man.
"O that Thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that Thou
wouldest keep me secret until Thy wrath be past, that Thou wouldest
appoint me a set time, and remember me!" Job
is begging God that if there is a set time that He has for Job's life,
Job wants to know how long that time is for.
Don't keep that secret from me.
"If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my
appointed time will I wait, till my change come." Job
has used a parallel between himself and a soldier that is standing
watch. The soldier that has
the watch from midnight to four in the morning knows the time of the
watch and he knows what to expect. Job
knows that his life has an appointed time, and he knows also that only
God knows how long that watch time is for.
Job is telling God that he will wait patiently until God brings
the end to his time of watch in his mortal body.
This is not saying that Job is in any army, but using it as a
comparison to his time of living here on earth.
Job is telling God that no matter how long the wait, I will serve
the Lord. You can still see
Job's hope in this verse. Job
14:15 "Thou shalt call, and I will
answer Thee: Thou wilt have a desire to the work of Thine hands." Job
of course is the "work of Thine hands".
Job is ready for God to call for him, and when that call comes,
Job will give answer for his actions and words done in the flesh.
"For now Thou numberest my steps: dost Thou not watch over
my sin?" Job
knows that Father will demand an account for every step Job takes.
"My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and Thou sewest up
mine iniquity." Job's
sins are sealed up in a bag, and held for the day of Judgment.
All of Job's sins are recorded in heaven, and Job knew that they
were. This is why Job wasn't
very worried when these three men are dumping their bad advice on Job.
They did not understand Job's mind, but he knew that God did.
"And surely the mountain falling cometh to nought, and the
rock is removed out of his place." Though
this verse is badly translated, refer back to the first twelve verses
where Job is talking about the smallness of man.
Job is now comparing man's smallness to a mountain avalanche
covering a man. What is man
compared to this mountain? Job
"The waters wear the stones: Thou washest away the things
which grow out of the dust of the earth; and Thou destroyest the hope of
man." This
is referring to the hope of "frail man".
What Job is saying is quite common in California.
He is saying that God can send a huge rains storm to come down on
a mountain and wash away even the largest of stones out of the side of
the mountain. So how do you
expect perishable man to withstand Thee? Job is asking, is there any
hope before the Almighty God? Job
"Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth: Thou
changest his countenance, and sendest him away." "Thou
changest his countenance"
is in reference to a man's face changing with age.
"His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they
are brought low, but he perceiveth it not of them." After
the change has taken place, as far as the flesh is concerned, man simply
doesn't know what to expect. Job
"But his flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within
him shall mourn." Do
you see the two subjects within this verse?
First the flesh body is going to have pain, and we should learn
to expect that pain to come. The
second part deals with the soul, for when the pain comes, the soul then
regets that it was ever born. Why?
because of the pain that the flesh must endure.
The better we take care of these flesh bodies, the less pain
comes upon them in later years. When
pain come to these flesh bodies, our whole attention is focused on that
part of the body that is in pain. Even
the soul that is within us becomes completely focused on the flesh or
mortal part of him. People
will go to great lengths to save some part of their flesh body, and the
point that Job is making here is that there are two bodies, and what
happens to the flesh body even effects what happens to the soul or
spiritual body. People
will even sell their soul out to Satan for the sake of pleasing their
flesh habits, or protecting themselves from pain.
So which is the most important to you?
The soul is eternal, and the flesh has but a few years to live on
this earth. This is our time
of choosing those things that are important to each of us, and your
selection reflects the condition of our soul.
Upon death, the flesh turns back to dust of the elements its made
of and is finished. However, each of us will then have to give account
for our choices made in the flesh, to determine if our soul will be
eternal or destroyed after judgment.
gave each of us a physical body and it is our responsibility to God to
maintain that body according to the health laws in His Word.
Those laws were given as a guide for living a healthy life in the
flesh. The point here is
that we do not place our riches upon the flesh, but keep the value of
your wealth on your soul which is eternal.
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