Chapter 130

"Group IV, Second Psalm of Trust."

This Bible Study is is provided by and shared with permission from it's author R. Christopherson

There are fifteen of these Psalms of the degrees, and this is the second of the Psalms of Trust. The degrees are the degrees of the shadow of the sun on the sundial of King Hezekiah. Ten of the steps or degrees written by Hezekiah, 4 by David, and one by Solomon. Remember that Hezekiah's life was extended by fifteen years, one for each of the fifteen degrees. It shows us that God is in control, for if God wants to move the sun ten degrees backwards, He can do it. It also lets us know that in this final generation, that He has control over His plan and that these end times will take place exactly as they are written of in His Word. We are children of the day, of light, and all prophecies written about His children of light, God's elect, are given in days and with the solar calendar. Those times and events dealing with moons, months and the lunar calendar pertain to Satan and his children of the night and darkness. We thank our Heavenly Father for making His Word so enlightening to our minds.

Psalms 130:1 "Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord."

In those times when we are at our lowest, we can cry unto our Lord for help and it will come.

Psalms 130:2 "Lord, hear my voice: Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications."

When you cry out to the Lord for help, He hears every word of your cry. He understand every thought that you are thinking, and He knows exactly what to do about it. When you tell Him of your love for Him, and make a request from Him, He is going to bless you and tend to your needs. There is no greater love in this world that our Father's love for you.

Psalms 130:3 "If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord who shall stand?"

Father, if you are going to mark down every sin in our life, Lord, who shall be able to stand? Father, none of us could make it into your kingdom.

Psalms 130:4 "But there is forgiveness with Thee, That thou mayest be feared."

However, praise God, in due time, Christ came into this world born as a child, and He willingly went to the cross to pay the price for each and every one of those sins that we commit, when we come to Him in repentance. That is why we pray to the Father, "in Jesus name", for in our saying "in Jesus name"; we recognize that Jesus Christ was the only pure sacrifice that could be made for sin. We acknowledge that He was the Son of God, and that His death fulfilled the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. That Jesus suffered at the hands of the Kenite Jewish religious leaders, and fulfilled all the prophecies that prophesied of His life, death, and resurrection.

Genesis 3:15 "And I [God] will put enmity between thee [Satan] and the woman [Eve], and between thy [Satan's] seed [Kenites] and her [Eve's] Seed [Jesus Christ]; It [Jesus] shall bruise thy [Satan's] head, and thou [Satan] shalt bruise His [Christ's] heel."

This prophecy of the coming Messiah was fulfilled the moment that our Lord Jesus Christ gave up the Ghost, His life to His physical body, while hanging on the cross. That is when the victory over death became a reality for flesh man. The vail in the holy of holies was rent in two, and each of us from that day forward could approach the Father in repentance, in the name of Jesus.

In the name of Jesus there is salvation offered to all that believe on His name. Then at repentance that sheet in heaven that records all our sins is wiped clean, and our sins are removed from us. Our God is the God of forgiveness. God would forgive even at this time of writing, but Christ made it possible to be totally erased. That forgiveness has always been there with our heavenly Father, for there is redemption on in the blood of Christ.

Psalms 130:5 "I wait on the Lord, my soul doth wait, And it His word do I hope."

To wait on the Lord is to practice patience. To have the hope that is offered in His Word is also using patience. Learn to have that patience, as you observe the events of our day passing before us. The events of the Word of God must be fulfilled before the Lord will return, and we must have the patience to endure to the end. That is the end of this earth age, after Satan has had his time to test the people, and the witnesses of the Lord have had their time of witnessing. Our heavenly Father works on His time schedule and not on yours. The most important part of the education of Christians is to learn to wait on the Lord. Prepare yourself to be observers, and understand those things that are taking place before your eyes, as they prophesied many years ago in His Word. Don't get in the way of God's plan, for it will take place exactly as it is written.

Psalms 130:6 "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning."

This is so real as to what is happening today. The watchmen stand their watch, looking out for the enemy, and watching for that sun to come up marking the new day, the day of the Lord. They are eager to put their interpretation to everything that happen, to tell God that He has to keep His Word. They are eager to get off their watch hour, and not pay attention to the duties that God has placed us here on this earth for.

Psalms 130:7 "Let Israel hope in the Lord: For with the Lord there is mercy, And with Him is plenteous redemption."

Friend, it is more important to place your hope in the Lord, learn to trust Him daily for the blessings and protection that He gives you for that day. His mercy is sufficient for every day, and in our patience, at the right moment, there is redemption. The seventh trumpet will not sound until all the other trumpets have sounded. Satan will have his time here on earth, and the Kenites and their four hidden dynasties will do exactly as the Scriptures have said that they will do. Learn to look to the Lord for His mercy and blessing, and patiently wait on Him to fulfill every word that is written in the Scriptures. Sure, you will sin daily as we love our lives, but there is plenteous redemption to take care of those sins, each time we come to him in repentance. He is able to redeem you from your sins, because the price for those sins have been paid in full.

The only sin that is not forgiven, it the sin of bowing to the Antichrist when you know who Satan is, and the events of the day, yet you go ahead and bow to him anyway. That is the unforgivable sin.

Psalms 130:8 "And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities."

There is only one time when Israel shall be redeemed from all their iniquities. This time is at the end of the Millennium age, after the great white throne judgment of our Heavenly Father. That is when death is destroyed, Satan goes to the lake of fire, and all true Israel will be redeemed for the eternity. True Israel is not the pack of Kenites that call themselves Israel.


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