Chapter 23

"Messiah. The GREAT SHEPHERD. In Resurrection."

This Bible Study is is provided by and shared with permission from the author R. Christopherson

This is the Psalm of the Good Shepherd, or of the resurrection of life. 

Psalms 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

The Lord, Jesus the Christ is the Shepherd that tends the sheep in the pasture. As long as you are in Christ, and He is your shepherd, you shall not want for anything, truth, knowledge or blessings as your earn the right to those blessings. However it take your effort to study His Word for that direction.

Psalms 23:2 "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters."

"Green pastures" in the Hebrew text means the very choice of all the pastures. It is the best that there is. To "lie down, means that you will be in peace. You arn't just wandering around in some wilderness but following a Shepherd that knows the way and is heading on a set path. Jesus Christ is in front of you, He is your pastor giving you the direction. His truth is leading you straight ahead to keep you following the plan of Almighty God. "Still waters" as given in the Hebrew text is "waters of rest", "Jehovah-Shalom". It doesn't matter where you are, the people around you will be at peace with you. 

Psalms 23:3 "He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."

This is saying that Father brings my soul back to life, eternal life. This is the Psalm of resurrection, and in that resurrection He gives eternal life. It has nothing to do with your physical body. Jesus does this leading for His Own name's sake. If you call yourself a Christian, then you carry His name, and you carry the responsibility to teach others. You are to set the example to others how that ways as a witness to them, for that is the paths of righteousness. 

Psalms 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me."

So what is this valley of death. In Ezekiel 37 God told Ezekiel to go down and prophecy to that valley of dead dry bones. Spiritually dead people, not physically, death to the truth of God's Word. We are getting a nation or valley of spiritually dead people because they listen to the tradition of men, and all the false teachers and false prophets. When our Lord and His Spirit is leading and guiding us though that valley today, you do not have to fear any evil. 

The "rod" is a club for protection from the enemies, and the "staff" is used for safe keeping of the sheep. And we get our comfort from and through His holy Word as we study to place those truths in our minds. Many times Christians will not see the truth, for in our generation God as sealed the minds closed of those that are not intended to see the truth for their own protection. It is not meant that they are to understand the truth at this time, but that they keep playing church; but our Father will protect you His Elect with His club. 

Psalms 23:5 "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."

Though there is much confusion all around us to the truth of God's Word, Father is going to set a table before His elect so they will not starve for the truth in these end times. The rest of the world will starve for the truth. Amos 8:11 "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:" We have all sorts of enemies running around the world today, Humanism, one worldism, the four hidden dynasties, and many other systems that are bringing this famine into being. And the church systems are buying it up, and being brought under control by them. 

However in the face of all that is happening, you and I of the elect can still have our table of truth full, as we feed from our Father's table to prepare ourselves for these end times. Sometimes is seems that our cup of truth is so running over that we can hardly keep it within us. We have to run out and tell other what Father is doing for us. The anointing oil [olive oil] is the oil of our people, and it is the understanding of Christ, the Anointed. With in that club and that staff, God gave the order, "touch not mine anointed, mine elect." God is there ready and able to defend you against anyone that comes against you. You don't have to worry where ever you are. 

Psalms 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

Goodness and mercy will follow you all of your life, every day of the year: That's right, here and now. Jesus Christ is that temple and the house of the Lord. When you are in Him, He is in you, and you are in the house of the Lord for ever. Isn't this a beautiful Psalm for there is so many promises to us in this Psalm that we can count on right here and now. There are so few that actually understand all the truths that are in these six verses. This is the favorite of so many people, and yet they just don't understand all the promises that are within it. Back to life, eternal life. This is the Psalm of resurrection, and in that resurrection He gives eternal life. 



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