Chapter 91

"Rest Provided in and for Messiah."

This Bible Study is is provided by and shared with permission from it's author R. Christopherson

Psalms 91has several verses that Satan used and misquoted to try to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus knew the Word for He is the Word, and those words of Satan stuck out for the lies that they were. This is why we must grow skilled in the word, for when Satan come to this earth to rule the earth, he is coming as the Antichrist, the false Christ. He will be a very religious person, appearing to be skilled in the Word, but his words will be lies and deceptions. This is why we must not only learn the Word of God, but be fully aware of Satan's method of operation. Satan's way of doing things to try to get you to follow him.

We are living in the end times, and our generation will be the ones to face Satan as a man living right here on earth. It is important that you understand that Satan will not appear as most all have pictured him in the past, for he was created a beautiful person. With this fact, Satan will try to deceive the world into believing he is God.

Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

Isaiah 14:13, 14 "For thou hast said in thine heart, `I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:" "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.' "

Satan has told us exactly why he intends to sit as God, where he will do it, and what his methods will be to achieve his goals. Satan is out to deceive all the "stars" [children of God], and reign over them. Satan has told us that he intends to place his throne in Jerusalem over the congregation of God's people, and the location will be on "the sides of the north", the exact dwelling place that God has told us that Jesus will place His temple when he returns to set up His kingdom right here on earth.

So with all the information that Satan has told us of himself and his intentions, why would you not put yourself on guard to see that you are not deceived when he arrives to starts his kingdom at the sixth trumpet. This very Psalm was used by Satan to try to deceive Our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is a warning to each of us that he will try to use this method of misquoting to your also. Do you know the Scripture well enough to know if it twisted, or stated accurately from God's Word. The deception is great today, but it will be far greater when Satan and his fallen angels come to deceive the whole world.

We have the truth with us all the time, but it is for each of us to study to know it for ourselves. The problem with men and women today is that they just don't have the time to study the Word to prepare themselves for the deception that will cover the peoples of the entire earth.

Psalms 91:1 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

Picture our heavenly Father as a great eagle. This Psalm relates to Deuteronomy 32, "the song of Moses". It is the song from Revelation 15:3 that tells us what the elect, those that were victorious over Satan's great deception here on earth, will sing at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Deuteronomy 32:9-12 our Heavenly Father compares Himself to a great eagle that has protected her young, the Israelites in the wilderness, and beckons them and us to come in under His wing of protection. He want you under the shadow of His protection, to protect you from the heat of deception that shall cover the earth in these end times.

Psalms 91:2 "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in Him will I trust." 

Every word that is written in God's set of instructions is there for our benefit, and we had better learn those instructions and apply them to our life. The great deceiver is coming, and your only protection is our Heavenly Father, from His Word. Sure Satan will be beautiful, but his is wick and evil.

Psalms 91:3 "Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence."

God will deliver you from the tempest that is brought about by the deception that will cover the earth, and draw all mankind to him. Sure, Satan used verses eleven and twelve to try to deceive Christ, but this entire chapter deals with His methods in trying to deceive you. Satan the fowler will set his snare for you, he will offer you what ever it takes to buy your soul. He will entice you with what it takes to win you over to him.

Pestilence is any harmful disease, insect or organism that can harm or kill you. The big disease in our day is AIDS as it is killing most of the population in Africa, and claiming large numbers in our nation today. The number count seems to be declining, and the reason for the decline is because once this pestilence has take a life, that dead person is no longer part of the count. It came and increased its numbers through the Sodomite community. God has warned us through His Word of the dangers of this perversion, and it will becoming worse before it gets better. You can count on it, for that is part of the life of the fallen angels, and they are coming, and the world will grow to accept their life style.

Sodomy was the life style of these Rephaim [second influx of fallen angel], Perrizzites, and their brethren in and around Sodom, and God would not allow that filth to continue. These fallen angels are coming to this earth shortly, and that is a fact, because God warned us of them in Revelation 12:7-9, and they will bring their wickedness with them. Many church houses of different faiths are preparing themselves to accept these perverted one, by allowing this Sodomites in their congregation, and looking the other way while this way of life is being practiced. They prepare themselves to be accepted by Satan. "Noismoe Pestilence"? Look at the way that they act when a group of them get together for their parades and gatherings. The "pestilence" is the fatal sickness and disease that is brought on by their acts, and it spreads even to those that do not practice as they do.

God is promising that if you stay in His Way, and put his Word in your mind [physical body] and heart [Spiritual body within your flesh body], then by practicing God's Ways you will be delivered from those pestilences of these final days. They are coming, so expect it.

Psalms 91:4 "He shall cover thee with His feathers, And under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler."

Don't read over this verse, for it is a promise from Almighty God to you His child. The truth from God's Holy Word will be your shield and buckler. The shield and buckler is what you wear when you go to war, and it protects you from the fiery darts of the enemy. Satan is the enemy, and our protection must be on and in place before the enemy arrives, or it will be to late. Our spiritual armor, is given to us in Ephesians 6:10-20, and each piece of that armor is important to protect from the deception of Satan. The shield of the Gospel armor is faith, His Word, the truth and all of the Word. That Word will give you the knowledge and wisdom that seals your heart and mind and prepares you for the deception that shall come over the earth.

In His Word, you will know the method of operation that Satan will use, and that knowledge is taking of the seal of God in your mind, thus with that knowledge you cannot be tempted by Satan's great beauty and many special offers that he shall make to you. If you are trapped in that life style, there is forgiveness at the cross. That is why Jesus went gladly to the cross, for our Lord loves you, and in your repentance and confession, God will remove that sin and guilt from you, and it will never be held against you in the record that counts, God's records. That is why we pray in "Jesus' name'; for we recognize that the price for our sins was paid at the cross of Christ. Then it is time to change from all wicked ways, and follow Christ's way; the truth from the Word of God.

Psalms 91:5 "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night: Nor for the arrow that flieth by day:"

You will not be afraid of this thief that come in the night, for that is how Satan will come. You will not have to worry about stumbling around in spiritual darkness and falling in Satan's hunter's trap, or the fiery darts of Satan's lies as given in Ephesians 6:10-20. Those that follow Satan are the children of the night, and those that follow in the ways of our Lord are the Children of the day. Times given by months or the moon are concerning Satan and his times. Those given in days and years, caused by the movement of the sun are concerning the Children of the day. We are to distinguish between the two, for to know the signs of our times, we need to rightly divide the Word; applying the things and terror of the night to Satan and his children and followers, and the events of the day and years to the Children of the day.

Psalms 91:6 "Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday."

The "pestilence" and the "destruction" that shall come over the earth will not harm you, and this fact should give you peace of mind. That pestilence and destruction has already started, for the news carries the reports of the millions that are being destroyed by Aids and other sicknesses, and we fine that there are huge increases in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the weather patterns, and insect and other sickness that are destroying crops and domestic animals in large numbers So what protects you? Your faith, or shield of God's Word stored in your mind [physical] and heart [soul] gives you the seal of protection from all that will come over the earth in these end times: Your living life by our Lord Jesus Christ's way.

Psalms 91:7 "A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand, But it shall not come nigh thee."

When Satan arrives to this earth at the sounding of the sixth trumpet, there will be thousands of people all around you chasing after Satan to worship him. As family, friends, neighbors, and your entire community chase after Satan; you will not. Remember that God is going to give Satan all the souls of those living in their flesh bodies here on earth, at the moment of Satan's coming to earth; all that is except for those that are "sealed in their foreheads", [minds] with the truths from God's Word.

Revelation 9:4 "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which not the seal of God in their foreheads."

You can count on it that all those around you, your church, your home, the job site, or where ever you are, will fall for Satan's deception and worship him. It has been said by many that it doesn't matter what is in your mind, but what is in your heart, the spirit of your soul, that counts. But here is a time when it does matter, for you must have the knowledge that only comes from the study of God's Word, and the direction of the Holy Spirit to be "sealed in your forehead".

After Satan tempted our Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness, Satan was taken back to heaven and held there by Michael until the time of his release, as recorded in Revelation 12:7-9. It is important enough that we must review this now.

Revelation 12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,"

"There was war", past tense to John at the time he was writing this from the day of the Lord. However this war is going on now. We are in the time of the end.

Revelation 12:8 "And prevailed not, neither was there place found any more in heaven."

Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

First of all remember that John is writing this as Jesus spoke and revealed it to him, from "the day of the Lord". So the events are written in the past tense. The events of Satan's deception have already happened by the time of the seventh trumpet. John is at the day of the Lord, the seventh trumpet, and Satan and his angels came at the sixth trumpet. We are now living in the events of the fifth trumpet, for the events of the first through the fourth either are past history, or taking place now. This war is going on now, and Michael will cast Satan out onto this earth at God's appointed time. You can count on Satan's angels coming with him. Satan will deceive the entire world, and that includes any family member of yours that refuse to prepare themselves for Satan's coming.

Tens of thousands of people all around you will fall into Satan's traps and snares that are being set today for their deception. Their minds are being prepared for that time by the doctrines of their own church, like the rapture doctrine, and those allowing such wickedness and perversion as abortion and sodomy. Most so called Christians believe that Jesus is coming first to rapture them out of here, before the false Christ comes. God's Word states Antichrist, Satan, comes first to deceive the whole world. Ezekiel warned us or the rapture doctrine in Ezekiel 13:19-20.

Ezekiel 13:19 "And will ye pollute Me among My People for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should that should not live, by your lying to My People that hear your lies?"

It is common today to attribute things of Satan to God, and things of God to Satan. To keep the people coming to church and the offering plate full, many pastors will overlook a lot of the warning from God's Word, either by design or by their ignorance of God's Word. This is what is happening in the so called "rapture doctrine", for within the doctrine people are being led to believe that it is not important to know what is written in either the Old Testament, or the book of Revelation, and that is what makes the rapture doctrine a doctrine of demons. To believe the rapture doctrine and discard those Passages of the end times, is to take the mark of the beast in your forehead. God is telling you, pastors and teachers, when you do this you "are lying to My people that hear your lies." Why do you do this? Is it because of your ignorance or because you would lose your job as Pastor if you told the truth?

Ezekiel 13:20 "Wherefore thus saith the Lord God; `Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly."

A person has to be pretty blind to read this warning by our Lord through the vision and pen of Ezekiel on the matter of rapture, and continue to peddle it. "Your pillows" are your traditional doctrines that go against the Word of God, those that are made up by a man or woman to take the place of something stated in God's Word. The "rapture doctrine" started in 1830 with a evil vision of a mentally ill woman, Margaret MacDonald in Scotland, and it was picked up and designed by two ministers, and passed on through the Brethren church into the United States. Several seminaries started teaching it, for what ever their reason, to the point that that tradition is now accepted without question in most denominations of the church world. Dave MacPherson, in his book "The incredible Cover-up", gives the dates and origins of the "rapture theories", which are part of the "pillows" spoken of by Ezekiel.

God's Word tells us exactly what will happen before the time of our Lord's return to this earth, and it shall happen exactly as it is written. Satan will sit on the throne of God, on the side of the north in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. This shall happen and the world will believe him to be God. This is the "Abomination" that Daniel spoke of in Daniel 9:27, and Jesus called to our attention in Matthew 24:15 as he was giving our generation a warning of the seven things that shall happen before His return. It is the "abomination of desolation".

II Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,"

The day spoken of here is the "day of the Lord", coming at the seventh trumpet. Paul is telling us that there will be "a falling away before the day of the Lord" takes place. Jesus returns to earth to set up His kingdom at "the day of the Lord", so something else is going to happen before that takes place. That event will be a "falling away first", and Satan who is the "man of sin, the son of perdition" is going to reveal himself to the people on earth first. Satan will declare himself to be God. It can't be that hard to understand. So what do we look for before we look for Jesus Christ to return to earth? Of course we must look for the man of sin or Satan to come first. So what will Satan do? He will present himself as the Messiah, the true Christ, and do many miracles to deceive the world into worshipping him.

II Thessalonians 2:4 "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

Satan will present himself as God, the Messiah, and demand that all people on the face of the earth worship him as God. He will look like what people think God should look like, say the things that people expect him to say, and be on the throne where Jesus said he will set up His throne, "on the side of the north". Satan will present himself as God, and the people in their flesh bodies will believe him and worship him. The church houses in that day will be the synagogues of Satan, they will be Satan's places of worship. Communion services will cease, for most Christians will believe that Christ is with them, and Jesus command was to take eat, and drink; "for this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." [Matthew 26:27-29] It is also the "sacrifice and oblation" Daniel spoke of in Daniel 9:27 that would cease when Satan sat on that throne in Jerusalem declaring himself to be God.

Daniel 9:27 "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the con-summation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.' "

The "abomination" is Satan sitting in Jerusalem declaring himself to be God, and the desolation is when people and nations of this earth believe it. We know from Revelation 9:5, 10 that the week or seven years of years has been shortened to five months. Why, Jesus said "for the elects sake". Matthew 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened."

Jesus warned us in Mark 13:9, 10; "But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to their councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them." "And the gospel must first be published among all nations."

You can count on this happening to you if you are sealed with the truth in your mind. If not, you will be given over to Satan and his locust army of fallen angels.

Mark 13:11 "But when they shall lead you and deliver you up, take no thought before-hand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost [Spirit]."

If you have the understanding in your mind, and understand what is taking place, God and the Holy Spirit will witness through you to those many thousands that have fallen into the deception of Satan, and his system. You can bank on it, that thousand all around you will fall for Satan and worship him when he comes to earth for that last five months of this age where souls are still in their flesh bodies. You will be tempted with scripture just as Jesus was, and you will stand the test of Satan's deception just as our Lord did, because you have the seal of God's Word locked away in your mind [forehead].

Psalms 91:8 "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked."

With your spiritual eyes wide open, you will observe the thousands of people falling for Satan's lies, and you will also see the rewards that they will receive. Those rewards will be trinkets in comparison to the rewards that God's elect shall receive at Christ's return. However those earthly gifts from Satan will be only for a five month period.

Revelation 9:5 "And to them it was given that they [these scorpion army of fallen angels] should not kill them [those that fell for Satan's lies and deception], but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."

When a scorpion strikes a man, the first thing that goes is his ability to defend himself, his thinking capacity, and the scorpion has the person under his will. Get it? There will not be a time of defense after Satan has arrived for it must come prior to Satan's arrival here on earth. Though Daniel said this time of tribulation was to be for seven years, we know from Jesus own mouth that that time was shortened to five months. Friend it is wicked to be one of the bride of Christ, and go whoring after the false Christ. This is speaking in a spiritual sense, for most people have difficulty in understanding God's plan. So God is putting these spiritual truths on an earthly level to help us understand His emotions that He has for His bride. If your wife or husband runs to another lover, how would you feel about your relationship to your spouse? Not very well.

Psalms 91:9 "Because thou hast made the Lord, Which is my refuge, Even the Most High, thy habitation;"

Stay in His Word, and don't be deceived. Be prepared mentally, and seek his wisdom earily in your life.

Psalms 91:10 "There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

This is a promise given to you, when you study his Word and follow the instruction that is within that Word. Those plagues that are coming upon the earth, AIDS and all the other deseases from man's design. The crossing of genes, the cloning, and all the other sickness that go against the instruction within His Word; stay away from tampering with those wicked things, and you don't have anything to worry about.

Psalms 91:11 "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways."

This is the verse that Satan used to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Matthew 4:6 tells us how Satan changed this verse to make it a lie. "And he [Satan] said unto Him [Jesus]: for it is written, `He shall give his angels charge concerning Thee: and in their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone.' "

"The Way" is Christ, and if you are overcome while you are in that way [in Christ], our heavenly Father will protect you. However Satan changed this from "In thy ways", to "lest at any time". Satan was trying to tell Jesus to jump off that tall building, the angels are there and they will protect you. This is tempting God with stupidity, and that is what is happening in many churches today. Twisting the word to meet their self made traditional thoughts. If you are so dumb that you would jump off a high tower, God is going to let you fall. God's Word brings you the wisdom of Almighty God, and he expects you to read and apply it to your life. It is important to keep yourself sharp to see it when someone misquotes God's Word.

This is speaking to God's elect, and the angel looking over God's elect has the attention of God the very instant that it is required. This applies to us today, just as it did in David's time, and Moses' time.

Psalms 91:12 "They shall bear thee up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

When you stay in God's way, you don't have to worry about dashing your foot against the deceptive stones that Satan puts in your path.

Psalms 91:13 "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet."

Satan is that old dragon, as pointed out in Revelation 12:9, and God gives you the power to trample Satan, the Kenites and their deception under your feet in Luke 10:18, 19. "And He said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

When that star Satan falls from heaven, he becomes that dragon that will deceive the people of the earth. So where does our power come from to tread on Satan, his Kenite children [the serpents], and the fallen angels [scorpions]? From "the name Jesus" there is power in Jesus name. When we are at our weakest, we turn to Jesus and draw from His power, and that means that we actually are at our strongest. So why would you ever fear any of Satan's realm when you are in Jesus Christ, and carry the power of the name of Jesus.

Psalms 91:14 "Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My name."

Our Heavenly Father does love you, and when you are in His Way, in Christ, He will set you on high, for we will reign with Jesus Christ in His kingdom for that thousand year before the great white throne judgment. If you know our Father's name, you will never be deceived.

Psalms 91:15 "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him."

This is a promise from our Lord to you personally. You can count on it as a fact. When you call on God, He will answer you and he will see those problems before they even start, and our Heavenly Father know how to make them end. God is promising you that He will deliver you from any problem that you ask him to. God will honor you when you honor Him. Have you called on the Lord to help you with your problems? Do you have the faith to take them to the Lord and leave those problems there? God was with Jesus even while he hung on the cross, right to the end of giving up the ghost of his physical body. God was with Him all the while, for his promise is that "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee", and that is God's promise to you.

Psalms 91:16 "With long life will I satisfy him, And shew him My salvation."

"Long life", is the eternity, not this short breath that disappears in a matter of 70 years of so, but time without end. God is making a promise to you, that it pleases Him to give you life eternal, His forgiveness of all your sins, and the salvation of repentance. It is important for us to learn Satan's methods of operation. Satan will come at you in the same manner that you expect God to come to you. Satan will use Scripture, and things that you believe that are of God, to deceive you. He will lie and twist the truth, as word changed here, and dropped in another verse, to where what Satan is saying is a complete lie. Satan will lay snares and traps to lure you into his traps, false promises, and false doctrines like the rapture doctrine, to get you to not study the entire Word. If you are not aware of the events and things that are going on around you, then you are not sealed in your mind, in which case, you have taken the mark of the beast [Satan].

Satan does not war with people, he temps and deceives people. Satan's purpose in his underhanded ways is to steal and destroy your soul. Satan wants to rob you of an eternal life. People take spiritual words of violence and apply them to the physical realm, but they are violent when you see a soul being deceived into a spiritual death. Satan does not want to steal your material things away from you, no, but he wants you use them to occupy your life fully, so you have no time for God's Word. Satan wants your eternal soul. "Satan comes to kill, to steal and to destroy..." is not in the physical sense, but to kill and destroy your soul, and steal your eternal rewards. Satan doesn't want your car, or your home, he wants your soul. The world will give him all that he wants, but he will give them back to you for that five months period, if you just give him your soul. What price have you put on your soul? Satan will know it and offer that back to you. Will you then receive Satan's payment for your soul?

In verse seven we read; "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand..." Thousands all around you will fall, and ten thousand at thy right hand, that call themselves Christians, that attend church regularly, that read their bible are going to fall, and why? Because of their tradition; their false doctrines will lead them to Satan, and all the time they will all think that what they are doing is right, and according to God's Word. They will think they are going to the messiah, only it will be the false messiah. But they will be wrong and the snares that Satan and his Kenites have set for will cause them to fall right into Satan's trap. These events shall happen, so get ready to witness it right before your eyes.

The people that have accepted their rapture doctrine will do so with complete faith in their doctrine, and in that blind faith, they will accept Satan in complete ignorance. They will think they are doing right, but when the True Christ, Jesus Christ returns at the seventh trump, they will see and know they they have done wrong. They had been taught that they will burn in hell and be destroyed for following Satan, but they did know that Antichrist was coming first. They thought they would be gone when Satan came, and because of their commitment to only parts of the New Testament, they were completely ignorant to all the events of the end times going on around them. They actually thought they would "fly out of here", and be in some far off place as the final events took place.

These tens of thousands will have an opportunity, for there is no sin in ignorance, in blind faith, and this may offend you, but that is the way it is. You may not believe it now, but believe it when you see it come to pass. We are living in the final generation, and it shall happen to our generation. It is written in His Word.


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