Chapter 93

"The Rest Desired."

This Bible Study is is provided by and shared with permission from it's author R. Christopherson

This ninety third Psalm has a great deal more then what appears on the surface. So this chapter presents that rest or Sabbath that was talked about in the prior chapter.

Psalms 93:1 The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself: The world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

This pin points the exact time that this Psalm is talking about. The Lord reigneth at the close of this earth age of flesh man, and that starts at the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet. At that time Jesus Christ will return to this earth as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as given in Revelation 19:11-16.

Revelation 19:11 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He That sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war."

The seventh trumpet hath sounded, and the time is ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and His followers to return to earth to set up the one world kingdom for the next thousand year period. The man on the white horse will be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Faithful and True to His Word.

Revelation 19:12 "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself."

Revelation 19:13 "And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called the Word of God."

Revelation 19:14 "And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."

Revelation 19:15 "And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."

Revelation 19:16 "And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

Our Lord will be clothed with majesty and strength, and He will put down all those evil and wicked ones that refuse to follow His Ways. This coming world age is stablished and written in God's Word, and it will be exactly as it is written in the Word of God. What ever problems and corrections that need to be made, will be made at this time. The imperfections of this earth age, with its weather patterns, earth quakes and all the other problems will be corrected for the thousand year reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, prior to the great white throne judgment. All the imperfections of this earth age are well documented by the scientist of our day. These will all be corrected for the time of our Lord's kingdom right here on earth.

This earth was created perfect and ready for life, but due to the rebellion of Satan, when one third of all souls followed him, these imperfections came about. That prior earth age of the dinosaurs and the other huge animals, as well as man in the spiritual body is well documented. These ancient animals have been dug up with buttercups still in their stomachs, undigested, as that world wide catastrophe that brought that first earth age to an abrupt end; froze those creatures in time. From the time of that catastrophe of Satan and this earth's fall, this earth has been off center in its movements, and the earth will be made right at the coming of our Lord. It will be reset on it's correct axis, and all souls will be in back into their Spiritual bodies as the angels have: No more tears and pain.

This world age of our Lord's kingdom will be firmly fixed back into that first earth age orbit, and nothing will be able to upset it from that day forward. Evil will be removed from the earth, and at the close of the Millennium age, Satan, and all those that chose to follow him will be cast into the lake of fire, and even the thought of him and the your loved ones that follow Satan will be complete blotted from your memory. There will be no more tears and sorrow, and things of this earth age that go against God and His Word. Every thing will be set back into that perfect state. At that time we will see what Sabbath really means, what true rest is that our Lord talks about.

To be a priest and first fruit in Christ's kingdom, every day of this world age will be accepted as just one day out of your eternal life. Just a wink in time. And that is why we must continue to work and witness for our Lord and plant the seeds of truth in those that will listen and be led by the Holy Spirit in the truths of His Word. Use the common sense and knowledge from His Word to guide you in all that you do and say. The time is near when this earth age will come instantly to a close, then we shall all be ushered into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that this chapter is talking about that time when this earth age of flesh man is over, and that next age has already come to pass. That age will find all souls living in their incorruptible bodies as the angels have. It means that Satan will be finished with his evil ways on this earth. His fallen angels will be finished as will be all the evil things of this earth age.

Psalms 93:2 "Thy throne is established of old: Thou art from everlasting."

This earth is far older than the 6000 years that most preachers and teacher say it is. Only God knows the exact age of this earth, and that time when he created it, and all that is with in. Take the blinders off and see the entire plan of God, from that first creation of this universe, and all the souls that He put here, to the infinite future of those that love Him. God has established this earth and all created souls for one purpose, and that is for His pleasure.

Revelation 4:11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created."

Your soul and all that you have was created for one thing, to give God pleasure. Have you given God pleasure in your life lately? Have you told God that you love Him? Notice that in this verse it reads; "Thou art from everlasting." Meaning that there is no beginning to our Heavenly Father. Our created minds have a hard time comprehending that there was never a time when our Heavenly Father did not exist.

Psalms 93:3 "The floods have lifted up, O Lord, The floods have lifted up their voice; The floods lift up their waves."

Just as the earth was in a perfect state, with waters above and waters below, with a firmament in-between. The earth was in a complete state whereby the entire earth was fertile and used. We see that in Revelation 21:1 there will be a change coming for the better, for this old earth will be passed away, and God will bring down a new heaven and a new earth.

Revelation 21:1 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."

God is going to restore this earth and put it into a new form to where all of it will be fertile and good. Along with the restoration of this earth and heaven, God is going to restore all souls that were found worthy, and whose name is written in "the Lambs book of life". In verse 4; "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and their shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." This is not that far away, as this earth age of flesh man draws to a close. This earth will be set in a perfect motions to where there will be no more storms. No more earthquakes, volcanoes, or disruptive activities going on, for everything will be made right for God's children that love him, seek His Ways, and follow His Word. We will be living with the entire Godhead at that time.

Can you see not the depth that this short five verse Psalm goes into? It is so beautiful.

Psalms 93:4 "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, Yea, than the mighty waves of the sea."

God controls not only the rising and falling of nations and kings, but of nature itself. He can cause storms to come, and calm the mighty waves of the sea.

Psalms 93:5 "Thy testimonies are very sure: Holiness becometh Thine house, O Lord, for every."

God's "testimonies" are the laws, commandments and promises that are written down in His holy Word. As you study God's Word, you can see how God was faithful to those that followed Him, and to how he kept his words with regards to His blessings and cursings from Deuteronomy 28. You can see how God set kings up and took them down, and how God was true to his promise to David in establishing his throne forever. That throne does exist today and the one sitting on that throne is Queen Elizabeth II.

God has set his natural laws in place, such as gravity, and those laws dealing with the elements that all things are made of. We can bank on gravity holding us to this earth and not floating off into space, as well as harnessing the elements to give us power, and developing useful things to better our lives. God's laws are sure, and you can count on them every time you set one in motion or rely on it to react as God intended it to do.

Not only is the laws of God established in the nations and in the earth and its elements, but even down to how this earth age shall end, and what the eternal kingdom will be like. There are no secrets if you are willing to study His Word to dig it out for yourself. God wanted his children to know the truths of His Word, and to our generation, God is revealing even the events of our day, as they were written in the prophecies thousands of years ago. The close of this earth age, and the live and nature of the next will happen exactly as it was written. So why do people try to find a new way, when God has laid out the perfect way, and include them in His perfect plan? Solomon wrote, "There is nothing new under the sun." The things that seem new to mankind, are not new, but only things tried before using different tools of the time.

"Holiness becometh Thine house, O Lord, for ever." This is why those that follow Satan at the close of this earth age will not be allowed into the holy chambers of our Lord's house in that Millennium age, and why the ungodly will not be around when that new heaven and new earth come down for God's beloved. Only the first fruits will be there before our Lord in the Millennium age, and all that is evil will be turned to ashes at the close of that thousand year period here on earth.


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