We're going to talk about strong delusion. Our Father, a God of love, is the one that sends this strong delusion upon certain people. What does that mean? It means they don't have eyes to see and ears to hear. They're in a stupor or asleep spiritually and they will believe almost anything some man would say. Why would God do this? Is it fair that He puts strong delusion on people? Well we'll find out in His Word. We will begin in the Book of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
The subject being discussed in both I and 2 Thessalonians is our gathering back to Christ at the 2nd Advent. Not before, in some fly away rapture.
The Greek is very specific and strict as to the subject. Again, what is the subject? The coming of Jesus Christ and our gathering to Him. Not very difficult is it?
Paul doesn't want you to be confused by some man's or evil spirit. Nor by word by a so-called teacher or even by letter from Paul concerning the return of Christ.
This is the beginning of a number of events that MUST take place first. A falling away or apostasy will occur. What is apostasy? Apostasy is a giving up of one's professed belief. For example worshipping a false messiah thinking he is the True One.
The son of perdition will be revealed upon the earth. Now, there is only one son of perdition, only one at this time is sentenced to perish in the lake of fire. That entity is none other than Satan himself.
He will exalt himself above Christ and God, even those who worship in another religion. He will sit in the temple of God claiming to be God. Where is this? It is in Jerusalem, God's most favorite place which he has made a covenant with in Ezekiel 16. This is the antichrist or better said the instead of Christ. For he will call himself Christ. Many who don't read God's Word but rather listen to men who say "Don't worry, just have faith your going to be gone anyway" are going to be deceived believing he is the True Christ.
I'm sure Paul went over this in detail with them before. Paul wrote this second letter to them because man and the first one confused them.
Now many so-called "scholars" say this is the Holy Spirit. No it isn't. The verb here is transitive, which means you have to transfer it back to the subject being discussed. What is the subject? The son of perdition sitting in the seat of God as savior.
Where is Satan now? According to Revelation 12:7 he is in heaven. Not free though but held in chains. The archangel Michael will cast him out onto the earth and the angels will rejoice, but woe unto you on earth. This hasn't happened yet friends. Sure, his evil spirit has free reign on the earth but he's not here de facto, in person yet.
What is the iniquity that is already working? You already know if you understand the four hidden dynasties of religion, education, political, and the economy.
Then is after the tribulation of antichrist. There are two tribulations; antichrist's and God's. Both will not harm God's children. The Lord shall consume him with his mouth. What is in His mouth? A sharp two-edged sword (Revelation 1:16). Antichrist will also be consumed at the True Christ's return.
He will be all-powerful and supernatural performing miracles in the sight of men bringing down lightning at the snap of his fingers (Rev. 13:13). People will believe he is Christ and this when the delivering up to death, who is the devil (Heb. 2:14), happens. Believing he is Christ people will deliver their loved ones up to be "Saved".
They loved not God's Word enough to study it. They are spiritually dead until they are tested again and at that point if they do not straighten up shall perish.
Here is your reason for God sending strong delusion. YHVH shall do it because they deserve it. If they do not study to understand these things God will let them be deceived. It may also be that they could not stand against antichrist and have the knowledge without worshipping antichrist. That would be the unforgivable sin. After being repeatedly warned in the Bible again and again then they must learn the hard way.
Is this written anywhere else in God's Word? Yes, in the Book of Romans. Turn there and go to chapter 11.
Paul was a Benjamite. He was a Roman by birth but a Benjamite by seed.
Jezebel was having the priests killed and sought Elijah's life also.
All through the years God has had a remnant. A remnant that would always be faithful. God has reserved 7,000 men, no gender intended there. Seven means spiritual completeness. There will be many more than that of God's election here when antichrist appears including the kings and queens of the ethnos or ethnic peoples. But whatever number it is that is the number, it is a perfect number.
There has always been a remnant that understands.
This is confusing not knowing the difference between election and free will. The elect were chosen before the foundation of this earth age (Eph. 1:4) at the time of the overthrow of Satan. God will intercede in their lives and those with free will He will not unless they ask. The elect are not perfect however and were not chosen because they are better than anyone else. But because they stood against Satan in the age before this one.
I say even unto this very day. When God has sent this slumber or stupor, upon one no matter how hard the Elect try to make them see they cannot see the truth. Why? They asked for it. As Paul said in 2 Cor. 11 they like to be deceived and swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Look at the people today. They don't know what to believe or even believe there is a God and with what is taught today, they haven't got a chance against antichrist. They will have that chance during the Millennium.
This is not just a New Testament teaching it is also spoken of in the Old Testament. Let's turn to the Book of Isaiah. Chapter 29 is one of the woe or warning chapters.
Ariel means lion of God. This word is in the Moabite stone line 12. It is an Egyptian name for Jerusalem. Year in and year out you sacrifice animals to Me.
This will happen in the same location that we spoke of earlier, in the temple of God.
God will come against them with power because they worshipped antichrist and gave honor to him.
Who was it that was cursed to crawl in the dust all his days figuratively? Satan of course. When those who have been deceived and do for him will have a familiar or evil spirit and they shall be as low as the serpent in the dust.
They shall be as dust in the wind and in confusion. God will not be pleased at this point. He will come suddenly.
Our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:12). This is the second tribulation which happens at the return of Jesus Christ.
When those who have been deceived open there eyes to what they've done, it will be as a nightmare to them at His coming.
The people shall be filled in a false manner but shall be empty souls. They fight against the True Throne of Zion.
They are in a stupor. They would rather traditions taught in their churches and receive the milk. When Christ raised the twelve year old girl He didn't say give her milk, He said give her MEAT. As it is written in Amos 8, the famine is not for bread but for the words of the Lord. There are good churches and if your in one thank God for it.
Who poured out this spirit of deep sleep? God did. It will come upon the biblically illiterate.
To them it sealed and they don't understand it. How many of you have been told the Book of Revelation isn't supposed to be understood, "It is sealed, just have faith"? Faith in what? To be raptured out? The very word "revelation" means to reveal or make known.
Again it is the deep sleep that no matter what they can't see the truth of God's Word.
The heart is removed form God's Wisdom. Instead they are taught the precepts and traditions of men and church systems. Where they say it's always been done this way. Does your tradition line up with the Word of God?
You won't be deceived for you understand.
This is another warning. This politics in dark rooms and politicians that lie and use trickery to fool the people. Many of them today promote socialism and communism which this country and others have fought against. Be aware friends. Christ said to fish out of the right side of the boat.
Nothing is hidden from The Potter. They say, "There is no God" or if there is "He didn't know what He was doing".
Lebanon means white mountain. They were supposed to remain pure. But the desolation or Delator shall overcome the fruitful fields.
This is the Lord's Day and on that day the truth will be realized.
Jesus Christ is returning.
Judgment occurs at the gate. They would rather be in confusion than listen to one who speaks the truth.
All shall sanctify God's Name, YHVH not the antichrist's.
Those who learned not the truth or heard it shall. When? On the first day of the Millennium when every knee shall bow to Jesus Christ.
God will allow them that want to be ignorant, to be ignorant if they so choose.
In conclusion we're going the last chapter of Isaiah and read the first four verses. Turn to Isaiah 66.
Here God asks, "Are you going to be build Me a house?" He is putting you in place. God doesn't need a house for heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool. Is that not humbling?
Anything you use to build a house for God He has made. He will bless the humble and those who revere Him and the Word.
God mentions a few abominations that they might as well commit. He doesn't want their sacrifices. They have gone their own way with church. So "religious and Godly" and yet it is so false they shall worship antichrist. Do things God's way and you will be blessed.
Choosing their own false teachings that God shall bring a paralyzing fear upon them. Can you now understand why Christ would say to those who come to Him saying, "We've cast out demons and done wonderful works in Thy Name" and Christ will say, "I never knew you!"? Because they have worshipped the wrong savior, antichrist and were doing his works.
Now we understand that God does and will send the delusion and slumber. For they are not taught and do not want to learn God's Word. Tradition and religious things will get you into trouble and away from His Word.
Do not receive the mark of deception in your mind, but be sealed or marked with God's Truth and gain knowledge. Some already have the mark of the beast in their minds and are in a deep sleep and don't even know it. Study God's Word and don't be deceived by the false messiah when he appears on this earth ready to "rapture" you out.
Written by Phil Najera
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