I am going to say most Christians know what rock we are suppose to be built and founded upon. It is Jesus Christ. But how many know that there are two rocks mentioned in God's Word? One is a false rock the other is the true rock. We are going to take a look at this subject and hopefully you will understand which is which.
A good place to start is usually somewhere in the first five books of the Bible known also as the torah. Turn to the Book of Deuteronomy.
Start with chapter 32 verse 15. This is in the Song of Moses, the song that the overcomers of antichrist shall sing. It is also mentioned in Revelation 15. In the previous verses it speaks of God delivering Israel from her enemies.
In verse 15 and somewhat after that the tone changes and God delivers prophecy about what Israel would become and what she would do to anger God.
There it is, your Rock, capital "R". God is your rock and your salvation if you have faith in Him.
The name Jeshurun means "upright". It is also a play on words and mean a pampered or very blessed. When things we're going great for Israel she forgot all about God. Never do this in your life and your walk with Him, even when times are rough.
Israel had already done this before as Moses was on Mt. Sinai and they fashioned that golden calf. God knew they would do it again and again. Anything or anyone that comes between you and God is an idol.
How this must have pierced God's heart. They would forget the very Creator that created their souls. Again the word "Rock". They would fall away to the fake rock. How would you feel if your son or daughter just plain forgot you even existed?
Scattered among the nations. Ever hear about the ten lost tribes? They are basically the Christian nations of today. They are lost to themselves but God did not lose track, He knows exactly where they are. Most cannot trace their ancestry past the 19th century.
This is the one world political system. Look around you, you hear of a "New World Order" being talked about. Guess who is going to head it? Antichrist, instead of Christ, Satan. It won't go too far because God will stop them and Satan.
This always reminds me of Psalm 2 verse 1 that states "Why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing?"
The wise do consider and do know because they have eyes to see and ears to hear.
How? By boldly teaching the Word and standing therein with power and knowledge.
Notice there is the word "rock" twice. Once with a lower case "r", the other capped. Their rock (the Kenites) is not our Rock. Theirs is the false messiah and false rock. They know their rock is not God's.
By their fruit you shall know them.
Satan poisons many things, even with doctrines of men. For example the pre-trib rapture theory. Satan does his best work from the pulpits.
For the good news and the victory which we have in our Rock, continue reading this Song of Moses.
We are now going to turn to Ezekiel 28 and learn about the king of Tyre.
What does the word "tyre" mean? It means a rock. Isn't that convenient?
We're not going to cover the whole chapter. So some work will be needed on your part. In other words study for yourself also.
Satan or Lucifer was created with wisdom beyond Daniel's and one of the most beautiful angelic beings.
Satan was in the garden? Yes, that's right he was there. He is the one who beguiled Eve, not a snake.
Nowhere is it written a flesh man is called a cherub. We're dealing with a supernatural entity here.
Satan was once a cherub, the covering or protecting angel of the mercy seat, even the stones of fire or God's throne itself. Satan at one time had that privilege.
Can angels sin? You bet. His iniquity was self-pride.
Satan lost his standing (after, I'm sure a few chances to repent and change) and he fell from grace.
Don't ever think your better than God or God needs you instead. Don't ever become that prideful or God will knock you down I guarantee it.
Looking in the futurist sense, Satan will be beholden by man when God has him chained by Michael during the millennium. For a side study of that event read Isaiah 14.
More like a sheep trafficker. Leading the sheep into his "religion".
Do you see the final result of sin? It's death. Satan, and Satan only has been given the death sentence to the lake of fire. God being the consuming fire will destroy Satan from the midst of him and he will be turned to ashes forever. This includes all that will follow Satan after the millennium when he is released for a short season.
Satan will never be remembered. He is blotted out.
That's probably the hardest thing for anyone to do; kill one of your own children. But it is going to happen to him and those who still want for worldly things after the millennium. They will all be blotted out, destroyed body and soul.
Let's go to the New Testament now and focus a little on the true Rock. Turn to Matthew.
Why won't everyone that calls themselves "Christian" not enter? Because they went and worshipped the wrong christ.
What day are we speaking of here? The last day at Christ's return. Oh, yes they did everything in His name. They blew on them, waved coats and knocked them down. There is the other problem: they did it in the name of the false Jesus, antichrist's.
They were supposed to remain spiritual virgins for the husbandman Jesus Christ. But they committed adultery (idolatry) with the false husbandman. Christ never knew them because they never knew Him. They never got into His Word to know Him.
There's the two words together some hate to hear, "heareth" and "doeth".
You just can't go wrong when your foundation is Jesus Christ. He is our Rock not Satan. Build your Christian (spiritual) house upon the Rock. It will be you're only salvation when the flood of lies from Satan's mouth come roaring forth.
Are you foolish? Do you "just believe" and don't work in studying God's word and planting seeds to help others? If the answer is no, then I'm sorry the previous verse doesn't apply to you that much does it?
Pretty good advice. Don't build your house upon false doctrines and the traditions of man or your house is done for.
Are you astonished at Christ's words? It is written Christ would become a stumbling block to some (Romans 9:33 and 1 Peter 2:6-8). Is He one to you? He taught with authority. He wasn't a reed shaken in the wind saying, "On this hand thus, but then again on this hand". It was yea or nay!
Let's move to Matthew 16 where Christ is asking the disciples who they think He is.
Some thought he was a prophet come back from the dead.
Christ now asks who they believe He is.
Don't just read over that verse 17. Who revealed this to Peter? Almighty God did. He spoke through Peter.
This Rock is not Peter. It is Christ Himself that is the Rock, an immovable Rock. Naturally the gates of hell have no power against it.
This verse simply says that Peter and the church had authority to preach God's word and teach repentance and forgiveness.
There you have it another study on the false and true shepherds. Or in this case rocks. Always study diligently and be aware of the instances in which a word like "rock" can be attributed to Satan or Jesus Christ. Like the moon that only reflects light from the sun, Satan can only try to imitate the True Light, Jesus Christ.
A good way to learn more is to get your Strong's concordance and look up the words "rock" and "stone(s)".
Written by Phil Najera
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