The Book of I Chronicles

King David's Mighty Men

"Now three of the thirty captains went down to the rock to David, into the cave of Adullam; and the host of the Philistines encamped in the valley of Rephaim. [15] And David was then in the hold, and the Philistines' garrison was then at Bethlehem. [16] And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, that is at the gate! [17] And the three [the three mighty men] brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but David would not drink of it, but poured it out to the LORD, [18] And said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did these three mightiest.  [19]"             

1 Chronicles 11:15-19

The books of reference used for this study of the book of I Chronicles  were the Bible, King James Version, called "The Companion Bible", Publisher Kregel; Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, numbered to the Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek, and English, coded to the Strong's Concordance numbers.

Other sources were also used besides these references, but they were the major source of the study. Of course without the leading by the Holy Spirit, there would be no understanding of the truths, for all the truth of the Scriptures are revealed to us by God's Spirit.

John 15:26
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

John 16:13-14
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Study written by Roger Christopherson, and offered with written permission from

The Book of I Chronicles
The Book of I Chronicles Table of Contents Page

Chapter 1

"Up to the Captivity. [1:1 - 9:1]"
"Genealogy, the Details. [1 - 54]"

Chapter 2

"Direct Descent: Israel to Jesse. [1 - 12]
"Collateral. [13 - 54]"
"Kenite Scribes. [[55]

Chapter 3

"Direct Descent, David to Zedekiah. [1 - 16]"
"The Descendants of Jeconiah. [17 - 24]"

Chapter 4

"Judah's Posterity. [1 - 4]"
"Ashur. [5 - 8]"
"Jabez. [9 - 10]"
"Caleb, the Son of Hur. [11 - 20]"
"Sons of Shelah. [21 - 23]"
"Sons of Simeon. [24 - 43]"


Chapter 5

"Lineage of Reuben, (to captivity). (1 - 10]"
"The sons of Gad. [11 - 17]"
"Reuben, Gad and Half Manasseh. [18 - 26]"

Chapter 6

"Sons of Levi. [1 - 3]"
"The Priests, to the Captivity. [4 - 15]"
"Gershom, Kohath, and Merari. [16 - 48]"
"Sons of Aaron. [49 - 53]"
"The Cities of Priests and Levites. [54 - 81]"


Chapter 7

"The sons of Issachar. [1 - 5]"
"The sons of Benjamin. [6 - 12]"
"The sons of Naphtali. [13]"
"The sons of Manasseh. [14 - 19]"
"The sons of Ephraim. [20 - 29]"
"The sons of Asher. [30 - 40]"

Chapter 8

"The sons of Benjamin. [1 - 32]"
"The stock of Saul and Jonathan. [33 - 40]"

Chapter 9

"Genealogy of Jews, after the return out of Babylon. [2 - 44]

Chapter 10

"The House of Saul overthrown. [1 - 14]"

Chapter 11

"The House of David Established. [1 - 29]"
"David's Mighty men Appointed. [10 - 47]"

Chapter 12

"David and Israel's armed Auxiliaries. [1 - 37]"
"In Ziklag. [2 - 23]"
"In Hebron. [24 - 37]"

Chapter 13

"The Tent. David's bringing up the Ark for the Tent. [13:1 -16:43]"
"Ark Removed from Kirjath-Jearim. [1 - 14]"

Chapter 14

"Kenite King Hiram of Tyre, Builds David's House." [1]"
"David's Children. [2 - 7]"
"David and the Israelites War Against Palestine. [8 - 17]"

Chapter 15

"Removal of Ark from House of Obed-Edem."

Chapter 16

"The Blessings of YHVH. [2 - 43]"
"Blessings to the People. [2, 3]"
"Ministrations. [4 - 6]"
"Psalms of Praise. [7 - 36]"
"Response by People, Ministrations. [36 - 42]"
"People Dismissed. [43]"


Chapter 17

"David's Preparation for the Temple. [17:1 - 22:19]"
"Purpose Declared; Nathan's Reply from God. [1 - 15]"
"David Sitting before YHVH. [16 - 27]"


Chapter 18

"Conquests of David in Syria. [1 - 5]"
"Garrisons in Syria. Subjection and Preservation. [6]"
"Conquests of David in Edom. [7 - 12]"
"Garrisons in Edom. Subjection and Preservation. [13]"


Chapter 19

"Conquests; Provocation. [1 - 5]"
"Conquests; the Wars. [19:6 - 20:8]"


Chapter 20

"Conquests, wars with Ammon and Syrians."
Chapter 21

"The Sin. [2 - 8]
"The Punishment. [9 - 15]"
"The Angel and the Message to David. [16 - 22]
"Site of the Altar. [23 - 26]"
"Site of the Temple. [26 - 30]"

Chapter 22

 "David's Intent to Build the Temple."
"Command about Strangers, Workmen. [2]"
"Preparation. [3 - 4]"
"Solomon's Charge. [5 - 13]"
"Preparation and Workmen. [14 - 16]"
"David's Command to Princes. [17 - 19]"

Chapter 23

"The Princes and Priest's Appointments."
"Sacred Appointments. [3 - 23]
"The Service in the House of the Lord. [24 - 32]"


Chapter 24

"Divisions, Sons of Aaron. [1 - 19]"
"Divisions, Sons of Levi. [20 - 31]"


Chapter 25

"Sacred Appointments of the Sons of Asaph."
Chapter 26

"Divisions: Courses or Assignments to Levites. [1 - 25]"
"The Dedicated Things. [26 - 29]"

Chapter 27

"Civil Appointments."

Chapter 28

"Intensions to Build theTemple."
"Preparations, People Placed in Charge."

Chapter 29

"Solomon's Charge. [1 - 5]"
"Gifts by Princes. [6 - 8]"
"Preparation. Devotions. [10 - 20]"
"Solomon's Second Investiture. [22 - 25]"
"Review of Events; David. [26 - 30]

Additional Charts:

  Periods of the Kingdoms  

Kings of Judah

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